Luckey Climbers

Max Vanatta

Luckey Climbers is a play structure design firm which focuses on non-traditional playgrounds.  They do not feature slides, swings, or merry-go-rounds which usually account for the majority of traffic at more playgrounds.  They instead have highly complex and individual forms which allow users to build their own adventure.  

These structures are roughly composed of three elements: 

1: The metal super-structure which supports the entire play structure.  This could be roughly estimated to be the wooden grid in our own project.

2: The netting and tension elements which provide support and stability to the platforms which users climb upon, sit upon, and explore.  These nets not only provide support and direction, but safety as well by bounding the play region.  These structures can be up to a few stories tall and therefore these nets are very important in this safety aspect.

3: The platforms which the users crawl, climb, and sit upon.  These are sometimes plywood and sometimes plastic, but what is important is that they are surfaced a certain way to provide safe playing, but also not too safe as to take all fun and adventure away.
