Welcome to "Design for Dystopia"!!

Welcome to "Design for Dystopia"!!

Tiandra Ray

Each week, we will have two main objectives that you will complete based on your assigned cohort. One objective is aimed towards Prototyping, which you will complete when you are "in-person" or assigned to the "in-person" cohort. The other objective is aimed towards Research and Design, which you will complete when you are "remote" or assigned to the "remote" cohort. The updated schedule and weekly "to-do list" can always be found on this page :)

Week 1: Prototyping (Cohort A on Monday and Tuesday, Cohort B on Thursday and Friday)

1. Introduction to Innovations Classroom and Prototyping Tools

  • How can we work safely and make the most of our tools, time, and materials?
  • Tasks: Follow safety protocol when using tools and materials.

2. Introduction to Wearable Design + Rapid Prototyping Challenge (see Google Classroom assignment)

  • What are the different types of wearable devices? How can I create a wearable device that has a specific function for a specific context?
  • Tasks: Sketch three different wearable device designs according to the prompts, and make a paper prototype of your favorite idea. Document your work in Google Classroom.

Week 1: Research and Design (Cohort B on Monday and Tuesday, Cohort A on Thursday and Friday)

1. Reading and Responding to Dystopian Short Stories (See Google Classroom Assignment)

  • What are the "rules" that govern the dystopian world we are reading about, and how do they affect the protagonist's journey? What can we learn from their experience?
  • Tasks: Choose one of these three short stories to read and answer the response questions on Google Classroom. You may work in groups.