Animal Habitats

Titled “Flora Gato,” this unique landscape creatively uses acoustical material as a water absorptive building material, housing Spanish moss and Korean grass. These provide both thermal mass and shade, and help create a prefect melding of natural and synthetic.

Amphibious Envelope is an experimental building facade system that re-imagines the insulated glazing unit as a living ecosystem. Combining living organisms, sensors, and a micro-HVAC system, Amphibious Envelope can self-regulate indoor oxygen levels, self-clean, and provide dynamic shading.

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Artist Cai Guo Qiang creates immersive installations that tell the majestic, mysterious and wild story of the animal kingdom. By placing viewers in the same space with these animals that seem to be frozen in time, Qiang breaks down the barrier between the two far apart worlds. 

Video filmed by Lutz Dammbeck which shows a reconstruction of the machine "SEEK" by Nicholas Negroponte who is the founder of the "Architecture Machine Group" at MIT.

The installation was presented for the first time in 1970 in New York at the Jewish Museum. 

parasite shelters

Kristina Osborn

Artist Michael Rakowitz’s ongoing ParaSITE project provides portable inflatable shelters for homeless people. ParaSITE shelters utilize the vents and ventilation systems from buildings for both temperature and warmth. When warm air leaves the building, it inflates the shelter’s double membrane, and simultaneously heats the interior.